Thursday, December 17, 2009


Psalm 40:12-13 NLT
For troubles surround me--too many to count!  My sins pile up so high I can't see my way out.  They outnumber the hairs on my head.  I have lost all courage.

If you've read Beth Moore's book, Get out of That Pit!, you'll find yourself nodding your head and saying, "you go, sister!"  But if you've never heard of the book, get it, it changed my life. 

Recently, I've faced the music and re-visited all the slimy pits I've either been thrown into, unknowingly slipped into, or repeatedly jumped...(scratch that) DOVE into.  Everyone can relate to their own dark, stinky pit, but they all have 2 things in common: 

1. Satan wants us to believe there's no way out.  (enter guilt....I deserve to be here....God is punishing me)
2. Satan makes us feel like we're all alone.  (enter shame....embarassed to reach out for help....even worst, embarassed to ADMIT there is even a problem to ourselves)

One of my favorite quotes directly from her book:  "Ironically, nothing makes us feel more alone than being in a pit, yet we've got enough underground company there to displace the overpopulation of West Texas gophers and leave them homeless for years!"

Everyone one of us is carrying around some secret, horrible pain.  From the alcoholic bum begging for quarters to feed his addiction (eventually leading to death) to the beautiful stylish neighbor, married to a doctor, mom to 2 children, always smiling, always impeccable, always on time.  She's also carrying a secret: prescription pill addiction.  Whether it's a brown paper bag or a $5,000 Hermes Birkin purse, they hold the same thing: JUNK

Let me end with these absolute truths:

1. Satan wants you to stay right where you are.  And he is a smart, smart cookie.  I could go on and on about all the different tactics he manipulates to make you believe that you're right where you need to be.  (another day, or book!)

2. God wants you out!  He's got incredible things waiting for you to accomplish!! Do you know your experience in that pit can be a gift to keep others from slipping?  What do you think I'm doing right now?  I've got to share the GOOD news.  What is possible through all the pain and darkness that seems to last forever.  (that's Satan too, b/c mine only lasted short term, but it SEEMED like eternity)

3. God still loves you just as much as he did before.  Of all Satan's lies that I believed, the one I grabbed onto most was that there was no way that God would punish me, pull away from me, could love me anymore.  We are surrounded by a world filled with conditions:  the prettier we are, the more attention we get; the more successful and money you make, the more friends you have.  Even in mother-daughter relationships AND marital relationships, you see the constant conditional love doses that are given contingent on what one perceives as "good enough".  Stay with me here:  GOD LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY NO MATTER WHAT!  In order to understand "unconditional", you must delve into the Bible.  But, rest assured:  you are absolutely secure in the unchanging love of God.

I would encourage you to go get/order the book by Beth Moore "Get out of That Pit" because it's an easy, uplifiting, honest book that will change your life no matter what pain still lingers. 

Look forward to hearing more success stories as we move through this "thing called life".

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