Friday, March 20, 2009

Divorce may not be so easy...

Divorce has never been easy for the innocent children caught in the middle. In fact, I think it's fair to say more times than not, their feelings are disregarded for adult driven motives. Growing up, I was an anomoly amongst friends affected by the unaviodable curse of the divorce rate. Now spiraling upward past 50%, it is unevitable that the crippling epidimic will affect every one of us. So, just as persons contemplating adoption must comply with adoption laws, doesn't it make sense that persons contemplating divorce must comply with standards that help ease the pain for children caught in the fire? Don't we owe at least this last ditch effort to our children?
A bill has been proposed which requires spouses filing divorce to complete workshops in "conflict management, communication skills and forgiveness skills". So, not only may this spare the kid's anxiety and emotional stress from parent's separation, it may also save the marraige upon completion. Sounds like a win-win, no?

Opponents see two problems: a hardship for the poor and disaster for domestic violence victims.

No matter what economic state we are in as a nation or a family unit, I believe a child's emotional health is invaluable and definitely worth the bargain price of $150 mandatory workshop if filing for divorce. Besides, if divorce is no longer a "get out of jail FREE pass", maybe we will look before leaping into a serious, life changing decision. Plus, the bill excludes anyone with "evidence" of domestic violence (police reports, doctor's notes) so that easy refuge can be sought.

Maybe, just maybe, this could not only mean fewer divorces, but fewer marraiges resulting in fewer innocent children caught in the fury of regret.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I have to disagree with this one. I believe it should be made harder to get married in the first place & although it will never happen, if we could figure out a way to make it harder to just have babies. I say this because I am a divorcee & although yes, divorce did bring about a whole set of problems in itself, these same problems happen everyday & as people we put our children in the middle all the time without even realizing it. It is true that with divorce, yes, we are adding emotions that normally are not there though. I guess I just wish there were some way to make life long decisions such as bearing children & getting married in the first place...not quite so easy. Thanks for letting me voice my opinion on this!!!! Melanie
